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2023 组学革命研讨会:转化和超越

在第 13 届国际多肽研讨会/第 15 届澳大利亚多肽会议之前,将组织会前会:蛋白质组学会议。这是此系列会议的第五期,将于 10 月 15 日(星期日)上午 9 点至下午 5 点半在澳大利亚布里斯班会议和展览中心举行,会议的主题是 "组学革命:转化和超越"。研讨会总共有15场报告,讲者们包括来自世界各地的特邀演讲者,包括 Dr. Nigel Clark, Dr. Laura Edgington-Mitchell, Dr. Richard Lewis, Prof. Chris Overall, Prof. Roger Reddel, Prof. Nicki Packer, Dr. Simone Vink等, 同时还会有一些优秀摘要的报告。

A Proteomics meeting will be held at Brisbane Conference and Exhibition Centre from 9am to 5.30pm on Sunday 15th October, immediately before the start of the 13th International Peptide Symposium/15th Australian Peptide Conference. The topic of the meeting, which follows on from the 4 previous successful symposia in the series, is “The Omics Revolution: Translation and Beyond”. There will be 15 presentations including International and local invited speakers and talks chosen from submitted abstracts.




Registration will be free for all delegates attending the Peptide Conference (but you will need to register). 
For those who wish to only attend the one day Proteomics meeting there will be a nominal registration fee of $120 ($60 for students) which will include morning and afternoon teas. 

2023 组学革命研讨会:转化和超越

在第 13 届国际多肽研讨会/第 15 届澳大利亚多肽会议之前,将组织会前会:蛋白质组学会议。这是此系列会议的第五期,将于 10 月 15 日(星期日)上午 9 点至下午 5 点半在澳大利亚布里斯班会议和展览中心举行,会议的主题是 "组学革命:转化和超越"。研讨会总共有15场报告,讲者们包括来自世界各地的特邀演讲者,包括 Dr. Nigel Clark, Dr. Laura Edgington-Mitchell, Dr. Richard Lewis, Prof. Chris Overall, Prof. Roger Reddel, Prof. Nicki Packer, Dr. Simone Vink等, 同时还会有一些优秀摘要的报告。

A Proteomics meeting will be held at Brisbane Conference and Exhibition Centre from 9am to 5.30pm on Sunday 15th October, immediately before the start of the 13th International Peptide Symposium/15th Australian Peptide Conference. The topic of the meeting, which follows on from the 4 previous successful symposia in the series, is “The Omics Revolution: Translation and Beyond”. There will be 15 presentations including International and local invited speakers and talks chosen from submitted abstracts.




Registration will be free for all delegates attending the Peptide Conference (but you will need to register). 
For those who wish to only attend the one day Proteomics meeting there will be a nominal registration fee of $120 ($60 for students) which will include morning and afternoon teas. 
